Hi all (actually, hi Wayne, hi Johannes),
I figured out that setting the overlay stroke color and width after drawing
a selection by pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[b] works fine at the moment one sets
it but thereafter it is reset to default. This makes defining several
overlay appearance a little tedious because one would always need to go via
the definition dialog even though you want to keep the same
It is different when one sets the same things via >Image >Overlay >Overlay
Options... Then the settings are stored and remembered.
I remember that in former versions of ImageJ the settings were always
remembered no matter which way they were defined.
This happens using Fiji-64bit with ImageJ version 1.48v as well as for pure
ImageJ v1.48v it's the same. In version 1.47 this behaviour was not
There might be a specific reason for this behaviour I am not aware of (then
please ignore this report) or it might simply be an unwanted behaviour
introduced by a former update.
kind regards,
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