particle tracking

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particle tracking

Luciana Sabia
Dear all,
I'm trying to use the particle tracking plug in, but I'm experiencing some problems.
I'm using this tool to follow the path of a copepod and I am intersted in just one track, not all the tracks the plugin is able to detect. The problem is that the animal is not round and I am not able to say to the the particle detector to recognize it as a particle. How can I make it?
thanks in advance
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Re: particle tracking

I think you can try the "wand tool" to find the ROI,

2010/6/3 Luciana Sabia <[hidden email]>:
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to use the particle tracking plug in, but I'm experiencing some problems.
> I'm using this tool to follow the path of a copepod and I am intersted in just one track, not all the tracks the plugin is able to detect. The problem is that the animal is not round and I am not able to say to the the particle detector to recognize it as a particle. How can I make it?
> thanks in advance
> Luciana
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