pixel intensity summary across multiple ROIs

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pixel intensity summary across multiple ROIs

Henry Chang
Big ImageJ newbie, etc. I don't really have any experience with image processing, and nobody in my lab is able to show me the ropes, so apologies for what should be a simple question! I did search the listserv and help docs as best I could but didn't find what I was looking for.

So I have a stack of images, and I want to draw an ROI on each slice (not the same ROI propagated all the way through - each slice gets its own unique ROI) and compute the collective pixel intensity mean and standard deviation for all pixels in all the ROIs I've drawn.

I know I can create multiple ROIs using the ROI manager. When I click "measure", it spits out a summary showing the mean & standard deviation for pixel intensity of each ROI, and each ROI gets its own row. "Summarize" shows the mean of these means & SDs, and the SDs of these means & SDs. However, there does not seem to be a way to treat all the ROIs together as a single entity, and get the mean and standard deviation for that collective group of pixels all at once.

I feel like this should be fairly simple to do and I'm just missing it? I saw some posts about using XY coordinates or 3D volumes, but they seem a bit complicated and I couldn't really follow.

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