Hi Christophe,
Thanks for this plugin; hopefully it is helpful to people.
I would like to point out that last week we released a new version of
Bio-Formats that better handles indexed color (i.e., opens as indexed
within ImageJ), so should hopefully eliminate the need for the LUT
functionality. If anyone encounters any problems with this, please let
me know.
On 9/5/07, Garcion Christophe <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi ImageJ users,
> I wrote a plugin to process the Leica .LIF files more easily with ImageJ
> and the Bioformats library. Currently this plugin allows to:
> * automatically apply LUTs to your series
> * extract relevant information from the metadata
> Obviously there are still many possible improvements for this plugin,
> but I have no more time to spend on its development. Developers who are
> interested are welcome to bring their own modifications. I tested this
> plugin only with my own files, therefore there might be some bugs with
> some equipment that I do not use (transmission channel, inverted
> microscope, etc.).
> You can find a description of this plugin and download it at:
> This is a temporary address as it will be closed next month, is it
> possible to host this plugin on the ImageJ website or somewhere else ?
> Many thanks to the bioformats team who did a great job !
> Christophe