I'm a non-programmer FIJI user, I want to run some segmentation plugins like k-means, but it shows :
(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.0.0-rc-41/1.50b; Java 1.6.0_24 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 242MB of 6065MB (3%)
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/sf/ij_plugins/clustering/KMeansClusteringPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
This plugin requires Java 1.7 or later.
I have tried all the methods that Q&A provided:
Install Java 7, and delete or rename the ImageJ.app\java and/or ImageJ.app\jre folders, if they exist. If this does not result in Fiji using the expected Java version, check the Environment Variables ( Control Panel ▶ System and Security ▶ System ▶ Advanced Settings ▶ Advanced ▶ Environment Variables) for the variable "JAVA_HOME". If it exists, change its value to the desired jdk or jre (for instance: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51").
When I rename the java folder, then the FIJI can not be opened; and change the Environment Variables won't help either.
Many thanks,