plugin update

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plugin update

Gabriel Landini
I updated the following plugins.

Particles8_Plus & Particles8 (the morphology collection) (better use of
Results table).

Colour_Deconvolution (no popup menu when right-clicking)
Colour_Correct (bug fix and no popup menu when right-clicking)
IsoPhotContour (does stacks)
IsoPhotContour2 (does stacks)
Threshold_Colour (improves macro generator)

Let me know of any problems,


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Color_Space_Converter plugin update

Duane and Julie

Harry Parker found a bug in the Color_Space_Converter plugin.  He  
also supplied the fix (thanks, Harry!).  I have forwarded the new  
code on to Wayne.

If anyone else finds problems, please let me know.  I may even  
entertain enhancement requests!

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Reading JPegs from a ZIP file

Nick Mortimer
Hi All,

I'm looking for a way of opening a jpeg from a zip file in a plug in

ZipEntry zipEntry = zidFile.getEntry(directory+fileName);

somthing like this but for Jpegs


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Re: Reading JPegs from a ZIP file

Albert Cardona
Hi Nick,

> I'm looking for a way of opening a jpeg from a zip file in a plug in
> ZipEntry zipEntry = zidFile.getEntry(directory+fileName);
> opener.openTiff(zidFile.getInputStream(zipEntry),fileName);
> somthing like this but for Jpegs

 From the java API, class java.awt.Toolkit:

<cid:[hidden email]>*(byte[] imagedata)|
          Creates an image which decodes the image stored in the
specified byte array.

The above understands jpegs. Just put your
zidFile.getInputStream(zipEntry) into a ByteArrayOutputStream, and then
handle the byte[] to the above Toolkit.createImage method.

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Re: Reading JPegs from a ZIP file

Nick Mortimer
Thanks Albert

I'll give that a try tonight!


-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of Albert Cardona
Sent: Fri 3/2/2007 4:07 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Reading JPegs from a ZIP file
Hi Nick,

> I'm looking for a way of opening a jpeg from a zip file in a plug in
> ZipEntry zipEntry = zidFile.getEntry(directory+fileName);
> opener.openTiff(zidFile.getInputStream(zipEntry),fileName);
> somthing like this but for Jpegs

 From the java API, class java.awt.Toolkit:

<cid:[hidden email]>*(byte[] imagedata)|
          Creates an image which decodes the image stored in the
specified byte array.

The above understands jpegs. Just put your
zidFile.getInputStream(zipEntry) into a ByteArrayOutputStream, and then
handle the byte[] to the above Toolkit.createImage method.

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VEGF counting

agus wijoyo
Dear All,

I am beginner in ImageJ aplication, I want to count
VEGF immonohistochemistry staining which is staining
cytoplasm of a cell with brown colour if it is
possitive, I have followed manual from ImageJ website
but I still can't count it automatically. I also want
to perform volume measurement of a tumor area in
microscopic slide but I dont know how to measure using
Image J. If anybody can help me I would thank you very
much. Please help me step by step since I never use
this aplcation before



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