problem for counting cells on a stack

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problem for counting cells on a stack

Alice Jouneau
Dear all,

I would like to count stained cells on a stack that comes from LSM confocal
z-sectioning. With the "cell counter" plugin, it is not possible to see the
already counted cells when you go from one section to the next one, which
makes it very diffcicult not to count the same cells twice. Does anyone
have some tip ?

thanks in advance for your help

Alice JOUNEAU, PhD, CR1 Inra

UMR INRA/ENVA/CNRS Biologie du Developpement et Reproduction

INRA, domaine de Vilvert Bât 230
78352 Jouy-en-Josas
tel : 33 1 34 65 25 68
fax: 33 1 34 65 23 64
e-mail: [hidden email]
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Re: problem for counting cells on a stack

Justin McGrath
If you only want to count cells, instead of using the cell counter
plugin, you could add point selections to the ROI manager (use the
point selection tool, and hit the T key).  Then in the ROI manager,
select "Show All" and the selections will remain across slices of the
stack.  Then you can use the macro command roiManager("count") to get
the number of items in the list.

If you need something that only the cell counter can do, you might be
able to mark cells with the cell counter, then make a macro to add the
selections to the ROI manager when you switch to the next slice.  That
way the ROI manager will show the cells that have been selected, and
you can still get the measurements from the cell counter plugin.


On Dec 28, 2007 7:24 AM, Alice Jouneau <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to count stained cells on a stack that comes from LSM confocal
> z-sectioning. With the "cell counter" plugin, it is not possible to see the
> already counted cells when you go from one section to the next one, which
> makes it very diffcicult not to count the same cells twice. Does anyone
> have some tip ?
> thanks in advance for your help
> Alice
> Alice JOUNEAU, PhD, CR1 Inra
> UMR INRA/ENVA/CNRS Biologie du Developpement et Reproduction
> INRA, domaine de Vilvert Bât 230
> 78352 Jouy-en-Josas
> France
> tel : 33 1 34 65 25 68
> fax: 33 1 34 65 23 64
> e-mail: [hidden email]