On Jun 14, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Aryeh Weiss wrote:
> I tried to import a results table with the following macro code:
> path_comp = File.openDialog("Select a results file");
> run("Results...", "open="+path_comp);
> This works fine in 1.44b, but in 1.44c15 it fails.
> Also import>results fails (just does nothing).
> This occurs both when I use Fiji and Imagej (ie, it is not Fiji specific).
> Other relevant info: I am using OSX 10.5.8
This is fixed in the 1.44c16 daily build. The first argument in the run() call must be "Results... " (note the extra space) or "Measurements..." (the previous command name). The extra space is how ImageJ distinguishes the File>Import>Results... command from File>Save As>Results.... If the file name ends in ".csv" (comma separated values) or ".xls" (tab-delimeted text file) then you can use open(path_comp), which has the advantage of working even when the path contains spaces.