Hi Bill,
on a 32 bit intel mac i dont see this problem.
On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:00 AM, IMAGEJ automatic digest system wrote:
> Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:37:30 -0500
> From: Bill Christens-Barry <
[hidden email]>
> Subject: problem upon fresh install of Fiji on Intel Mac
> I've encounter a problem (or problems) upon running a fresh install of Fiji on an Intel Mac (OS 10.6.5, Java 1.6, 64-bit mode, ImageJ 1.44k6). I began by downloading the .dmg and installing as per the Fiji site instructions. After repeated tries with the download as so installed, and after repeated tries with both the internal updater and the Updater_fix.jar, the problem still occurs.
> Problem: I get the following error dialog when I launch Fiji:
> Could not load class fiji.Main in line 1.
> call ( "fiji.Main.setup" <)> ;
> When I release this dialog, Fiji appears to be running as normal. However, if I open an 8-bit image and attempt to use the Process>Enhance Local Contrast (CLAHE) menu item, nothing happens. No dialogs associated with CLAHE appear, and a duplicate of the image remains identical to the one I attempted to run CLAHE on. The few other operations I've tried (e.g. Process>Smooth) seem to work fine.
> Is this a problem or multiple problems that have been seen by others? Causes? Diagnostics? Ideas? Solutions? Suggestions?
> Thanks.
> Bill Christens-Barry
Dr. Daniel James White BSc. (Hons.) PhD
Senior Microscopist / Image Processing and Analysis
Light Microscopy Facility
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108
+49 (0)15114966933 (German Mobile)
+49 (0)351 210 2627 (Work phone at MPI-CBG)
+49 (0)351 210 1078 (Fax MPI-CBG LMF)
http://www.bioimagexd.net BioImageXD
http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de Fiji (is just ImageJ - batteries included)
http://www.chalkie.org.uk[hidden email]
[hidden email] )