problem with Grid/Collection Stitching

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problem with Grid/Collection Stitching

Aryeh Weiss
I have a directory with files named
bare60C12minFlat000.tif. bare60C12minFlat001.tif,
bare60C12minFlat002.tif, ....

So in the plugin I define;
First file index = 0
File names for tiles = bare60C12min{iii}.tif

And the plugin does a great job for 120 images, except that the upper
left corner (0,0) in the fused image is left out, and is black.

The first image in teh ROI list is bare60C12minFlat001.tif . For
example, here is the first ROI name:
sp=1; label=0; series=0; C=1; Z=1; T=1; file=bare60C12min001.tif-0

I tried renaming the entire directory to start at 001, but then I get
the first file as:
sp=1; label=0; series=0; C=1; Z=1; T=1; file=bare60C12min002.tif-0

and so on.

In there a way to get the plugin to include that first file?

Also, given the TileConfiguration.registered.txt file, is there a way to
reconstruct the fused image, or should I write a script that reads the
coordinates, inputs the images, and pastes them appropriately?

Thanks in advance.


Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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