Hi all,
I have a macro that runs as expected until I set setBatchMode(true); The It throws an exception (Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 1.48s; Java 1.6.0_20 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 248MB of 18395MB (1%) java.lang.NullPointerException at ij.plugin.Resizer.run(Resizer.java:35) at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:169) at ij.Executer.runCommand(Executer.java:131) at ij.Executer.run(Executer.java:61) at ij.IJ.run(IJ.java:269) at ij.IJ.run(IJ.java:247) at ij.macro.Functions.doRun(Functions.java:592) at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction(Functions.java:89) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(Interpreter.java:226) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doBlock(Interpreter.java:598) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(Interpreter.java:268) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doFor(Interpreter.java:525) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(Interpreter.java:250) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doBlock(Interpreter.java:598) at ij.macro.Interpreter.runFirstMacro(Interpreter.java:697) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement(Interpreter.java:259) at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatements(Interpreter.java:214) at ij.macro.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:111) at ij.macro.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:81) at CLI.Refresh_Macros.runScript(Refresh_Macros.java:56) at common.RefreshScripts.runScript(RefreshScripts.java:328) at fiji.scripting.TextEditor$Tab$6.execute(TextEditor.java:1225) at fiji.scripting.TextEditor$Executer$1.run(TextEditor.java:1785) The macro is below, it isn't the end of the world that it doesn't work, but I have run into this problem a few times now and i wonder if i am doing something wrong that causes this error. Any feedback is appreciated, Cheers, James //modified for islets macro "Batch Align Stack"{ //run("Close All"); dir1 = getDirectory("Choose Source Directory 1 "); dest1 = getDirectory("Choose Main Destination Directory "); list=getFileList(dir1); aligned=dest1+"aligned"+File.separator; File.makeDirectory(aligned); Dialog.create("Analysis Choices"); Dialog.addCheckbox("Delete excess frames?", false); Dialog.addNumber("Last frame of interest:", 110); Dialog.addCheckbox("Subtract Background", false); Dialog.show(); reducelength=Dialog.getCheckbox(); seqlength= Dialog.getNumber(); bgs=Dialog.getCheckbox(); //setBatchMode(true); for (i=0; i<list.length; i++){ run("Close All"); clearROIs(); open(dir1+list[i]); //name=substring(getTitle(), 18,30); name=getTitle(); sl=lengthOf(name); name=substring(name, 18,sl-4); print(name); rename(name); open("\\\\pandora\\Volumes\\MetabolismDJ\\_CURRENT LAB MEMBERS\\James\\Coor\\Result of Image005.tif"); rename ("BKG"); run("Split Channels"); selectWindow(name); run("Split Channels"); imageCalculator("Subtract stack", "C2-"+name+"","C2-BKG"); imageCalculator("Subtract stack", "C1-"+name+"","C1-BKG"); run("Merge Channels...", "c1=C1-"+name+" c2=C2-"+name+" create"); Stack.getDimensions(w, h, c, s, f); if(reducelength==1){ //run("Split Channels"); // add functionality for channels>2 setSlice(seqlength*2); run("Delete slices after here"); run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyczt(default) channels="+c+" slices=1 frames="+seqlength+" display=Color"); } if(bgs==1){ subtractBackground(); } run("Select None"); clearROIs(); selectWindow("MAX"); run("Select None"); run("Median...", "radius=3"); setAutoThreshold("Triangle dark"); //setAutoThreshold("Huang dark"); run("Create Selection"); //run("Analyze Particles...", "size=2000-Infinity pixel circularity=0.3-1.00 show=Nothing add"); //need to add functionality here to deal with multiple ROIs //roiManager("Select", 0); run("To Bounding Box"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=10 pixel"); clearROIs(); roiManager("Add"); selectWindow(name); roiManager("Select", 0); run("Crop"); clearROIs(); run("Select None"); setSlice(1); run("Split Channels"); // add functionality for channels>2 run("MultiStackReg", "stack_1=C1-"+name+" action_1=Align file_1=C://Users//Loser//Desktop//TransformationMatrices.txt stack stack_2=C2-"+name+" action_2=[Load Transformation File] file_2=C://Users//Loser//Desktop//TransformationMatrices.txt stack transformation=Translation save"); run("Merge Channels...", "c1=C1-"+name+" c2=C2-"+name+" create"); File.delete("C://Users//Loser//Desktop//TransformationMatrices.txt") ; Stack.getDimensions(w, h, c, s, f); if (f>s){ frames=f; } else{ frames=s; } run("Select None"); run("Duplicate...", "title=TEMP duplicate channels=1-"+c+" frames=1-"+frames+""); run("Maximum...", "radius=2"); globalMin(); setThreshold(1, 16000); run("Create Selection"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=-3 pixel"); run("Add to Manager"); close("TEMP"); close("MIN"); selectWindow(name); roiManager("Select",0); run("Crop"); run("Select None"); saveAs("Tiff", aligned+name); rename(name); //run("Close All"); clearROIs(); run("Z Project...", "projection=[Min Intensity]"); run("Median...", "radius=3"); rename("2C"); run("Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]"); close("2c"); rename("min"); setAutoThreshold("Li dark"); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=50-Infinity circularity=0.3-1.00 add"); close("min"); selectWindow(name); nROIs=roiManager("count"); print("nROIs="+nROIs); Stack.getDimensions(w, h, channels, s, frames); x=newArray(frames); y=newArray(frames); for(n=0; n<nROIs; n++){ //selectWindow(name); roiManager("Select", n); //header=call("ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager.getName", n); for(s=1; s<=frames+1; s++){ //for each frame getStatistics(area); setResult(name+"-area"+n, s-1, area); for(c=1; c<=channels; c++){ // for each channel Stack.setPosition(c, 1, s); getStatistics(area, mean); print(mean); setResult(name+"_C"+c+"_"+n, s-1, mean); updateResults(); } //end for each channels }// end for each frame }//end for each ROI run("Close All"); selectWindow("Results"); saveAs("txt", aligned+name+"_Results"); run("Clear Results"); } //end for each file } // end macro clearROIs(); function subtractBackground(){ clearROIs(); name=getTitle(); globalMax(); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=3"); setAutoThreshold("MinError dark"); run("Create Selection"); run("Make Inverse"); run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=-10 pixel"); roiManager("Add"); selectWindow(name); run("Clear Results"); //run("Set Measurements...", " median redirect=None decimal=3"); for(i=0; i<=nSlices()-1; i++){ setSlice(i+1); roiManager("Select", 0); //run("Measure"); //median=getResultString("Median", i); getStatistics(a, bkg); run("Select None"); run("Subtract...", "value="+bkg+""); } } function clearROIs(){ if(isOpen("ROI Manager")){ if (roiManager("count")>0) { roiManager("Reset"); } } } function globalMax(){ Stack.getDimensions(w, h, c, s, f); if (f>s){ frames=f; } else{ frames=s; } run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=frames projection=[Max Intensity]"); rename("MAX_colour"); run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=c projection=[Average Intensity]"); rename("MAX"); close("MAX_colour"); } function globalMin(){ Stack.getDimensions(w, h, c, s, f); if (f>s){ frames=f; } else{ frames=s; } run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=frames projection=[Min Intensity]"); rename("MIN_colour"); run("Z Project...", "start=1 stop=c projection=[Min Intensity]"); rename("MIN"); close("MIN_colour"); } } *Dr James Burchfield* The Garvan Institute of Medical Research 384 Victoria Street Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 Australia Email: [hidden email] Phone:+61 2 92958229 Web: *www.garvan.org.au <http://www.garvan.org.au>* -- ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html |
Hi James,
On Thu, 20 Mar 2014, James Burchfield wrote: > I have a macro that runs as expected until I set > setBatchMode(true); > The It throws an exception > > (Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 1.48s; Java 1.6.0_20 [64-bit]; Windows 7 6.1; 248MB > of 18395MB (1%) > > java.lang.NullPointerException > at ij.plugin.Resizer.run(Resizer.java:35) > [...] That line reads: Rectangle r = ip.getRoi(); suggesting to me that maybe there was a 0-slice image. > The macro is below, it isn't the end of the world that it doesn't > work, but I have run into this problem a few times now and i wonder > if i am doing something wrong that causes this error. Your macro is very long and assumes certain files and directories to be present. Under normal circumstances, I would try to find half an hour to reduce it to a minimal example, but today I simply do not have time. Would you mind reducing the macro to the bare minimum displaying the error? I would then finagle a gap into my schedule to debug and fix it. Ciao, Johannes -- ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html |
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