Dear experts,
I am trying to use the Particle Tracker included in the Mosaic Suite to
track objects that have been previously segmented along a time series using
the squash segmentation option. The segmentation information is saved in a
*csv file, but somehow the Particle tracker is not recognizing this format
(I am getting an error message saying unsupported format).
Is there any other way to make this option work? I find this kind of
tracking tremendously useful! Any fiji/imageJ version where it works? I
have tryed the last fiji lifeline version plus the fully updated one...
Thanks very much for your help!
Elena Rebollo Ph.D.
Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy Unit IBMB-PCB
* <>*
Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (CSIC)
C/ Baldiri Reixac, 15-20, 08028 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel (+34) 934020249/ (+34) 934020837
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