I have a simple question regarding the "Coloc 2" plugin in FIJI.
Assume I have two images named "tmp0" and "tmp1", when I use the Coloc2, even though I don't check any box on the dialog window, there are two result windows show up. one is the text "Log" window which I use to retrieve the R value. the other is titled "Coloclisation tmp1 vs tmp0" which contained similar information as in the "Log" window, this one can also be saved as a pdf file.
My question is how to avoid the "Coloclisation tmp1 vs tmp0" window sowing up. when I wrote a macro to batch process, I only need the "Log" window to retrieve information. And in the macro, selectWindow("Coloclisation tmp1 vs tmp0") function can select the window, but neither close() or run("Close") function can close it. this causes a pile-up of such "Colocalisation ..." windows at the end of the macro.
Thanks for the help.
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