> Hello,
> I am new to ImageJ. I would like to get some more simple
> stats (e.g standard dev) from the Plot Profile tool instead of
> only the average. Is there a way or plugin to have the standard
> deviation from each verticle pixel array listed as well as the
> mean. I ultimately would like to plot the mean as well as
> another line illustrating the mean+standard deviation.
Here is a profile plotting macro that displays the mean and standard
deviation, and also draws horizontal lines representing the mean, the
mean+standard deviation and the mean-standard deviation.
profile = getProfile();
n = profile.length;
newImage("tmp", "32-bit", n, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
setPixel(i, 0, profile[i]);
getStatistics(area, mean, ymin, ymax, sd);
Plot.create("Profile Plot", "X", "Value", profile);
if (bitDepth==8 || bitDepth==24)
Plot.setLimits(0, n, ymin, ymax);
x = newArray(0, n);
y = newArray(mean, mean);
Plot.add("line", x, y);
y[0]=mean-sd; y[1]=mean-sd;
Plot.add("line", x, y);
y[0]=mean+sd; y[1]=mean+sd;
Plot.add("line", x, y);
Plot.addText("Mean="+mean+", S.D.="+sd, 0.01, 0.1);