Dear listers,
Can someone tell me if setting the measurement redirection option prior
to running Analyze Particles on a stack advances the slices in the
measurement target? I can see the mask window advancing but the
redirection window stays on slice #1.
Does the redirection image advance or remain static?
Vytas Bindokas, Ph.D.
Research Assoc. (Assoc. Prof.),
Director, BSD Light Microscopy Core Facility
phone: 773-702-4875
[address for letters ONLY (see shipping addr below):]
Dept Pharmacol Physiol Sci MC0926
947 E 58th Street
The University of Chicago
Chicago IL 60637
Room Abbott 129
shipping address (main KCBD site):
V. Bindokas
900 E 57th Street
KCBD room 1250, Microscopy Core
The University of Chicago
Chicago IL 60637
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