Hi Fabrice,
> I tried out the registering function in 3D viewer to register two volumes...it seemes to work fine as once started the two volumes are depicted like orthoslices and when I lokk at them I can clearly see that the volumes get "aligned" but then nothing more happens...I would expect that by the end it should be possible to save the result somehow...
> This is all part of a previous mail...about the registration of 4D data...in the present project I work on 40 stacks and from time 0 to 40, the movement of my sample combines a translation with a rotation. If someone could give me a hint towards a tool to achieve the registering ?
you can get the transformed stack by selecting the aligned volume and
clicking on ->Transformations->Export transformed image.
This creates a new stack with the aligned image, which you can then save
in the usual way.