remove noise

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remove noise

Runa Hamid
Dear Image J users,

I have intensity values for each pixel in a given ROI in a time lapse
series. I need to do some quantitation but before that I want to make it
photometrically accurate. In other words I want to remove all noise that is
arising in each pixel from neighbouring pixels, optical defects or
electronic noises of a confocal system.

I would be grateful if anyone can give me some useful tips/ suggestions to
do it.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: remove noise

Pang, Zhengyu (GE Global Research)

I don't know what you mean by photometircaly accurate. There are quite
many factors will affect your final pixel intensity. Potentially it is
hard to get to know how many photons getting to each pixel. If you want
to remove noise that is arising from neighboring pixels, then what you
need to do is to do a deconvolution. You need to know the point spread
function (PSF) of your optical system. You need to purchase some
sub-micron beads to measure it. Confocal microscope should have a small
PSF compared to traditional epifluorescence microscope.

I coauthored with Lavender at Biomaterials, and I did the experiment on
point spread function measurement. If you are interested you should be
able to google search it.

Best regards,

Zhengyu PANG

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Runa Hamid
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 7:46 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: remove noise

Dear Image J users,

I have intensity values for each pixel in a given ROI in a time lapse
series. I need to do some quantitation but before that I want to make it
photometrically accurate. In other words I want to remove all noise that
is arising in each pixel from neighbouring pixels, optical defects or
electronic noises of a confocal system.

I would be grateful if anyone can give me some useful tips/ suggestions
to do it.

Thanks in advance,