rename folder name

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rename folder name

Hi, all

I have a main folder that includes the subfolder, and within the subfolder there are few sub-sub-folders.
Basically, the order of folder is that "folder_test/Slide XX/section #" and within the section # folder there are few images.  
I have many folders with XX and # which are sequential numerical numbers.
What I want to do is to rename the name of the last folder(section #) to be sXX_sec##.
Then I would like to open the jpeg images within the original folder(section #) to save the image as sXX_sec##_01[last digits would be sequential] within the newly made folder called sXX_sec##.

For example,
if i have folder test/Slide 34/section 2, I want to rename jpge images within the section 2 folder as s34_sec2_01, s34_sec2_02 so on , within the newly made folder, s34_sec2.

I don't seem to find a easy way to rename a folder name since I am really a beginner of macro, so now I am trying to extract the name from the original folder name and find a way to use this to make a name of new folder. The problem now is that if i use "input" as a name of directory, the primary folder ("folder_test") is returned at the end in the log. I am not sure substring to change the name of folder would work.

input = getDirectory("Input directory");

suffix = ".JPG";  //you can only apply function below for JPEG images


function processFolder(input) {
    list = getFileList(input);
    for (k = 0; k < list.length; k++) {
        if(File.isDirectory(input + list[k]))   //if it's a directory, go to subfolder
            processFolder("" + input + list[k]);
        if(endsWith(list[k], suffix))   //if it's a tiff image, process it
            print (input + list[k] + "is a path");       //if it's neither a tiff nor a directory, do nothing
            file1 = list[k];
            print (input + "is a directory");
        print (list[k] + "is a file name"); ///listing all folder name with
        ///here rename image name function need/

Simply is there any easy way to rename a folder based on extracting some part of the current name of folder (e.g. some text and numbers)?

Thank you in advance!

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Re: rename folder name

Good day RT,

you asked:
"is there any easy way to rename a folder based on extracting some
part of the current name of folder"


This example macro should get you started...

// folders: test/Slide 34/section_2
// file name: s34_sec2_01.jpg etc.
subsubDirPath = getDirectory( "Select subsub-directory" );
a = split( subsubDirPath, "/" );
subsubDir = a[a.length-1];
subDirPath = File.getParent( subsubDirPath );
a = split( subDirPath, "/" );
subDir = a[a.length-1];

subsubNum = substring( subsubDir, lengthOf(subsubDir)-1 );
subNum = substring( subDir, lengthOf(subDir)-2 );

folderName = "s"+ subNum + "_sec" + subsubNum;
File.makeDirectory( subsubDirPath + folderName );

i = 1;
fileName = folderName + "_" + IJ.pad(1, 2) + ".jpg";
print( "FileName: " + fileName );



Am 07.10.16 um 18:41 schrieb rtas:

> Hi, all
> I have a main folder that includes the subfolder, and within the subfolder
> there are few sub-sub-folders.
> Basically, the order of folder is that "folder_test/Slide XX/section #" and
> within the section # folder there are few images.
> I have many folders with XX and # which are sequential numerical numbers.
> What I want to do is to rename the name of the last folder(section #) to be
> sXX_sec##.
> Then I would like to open the jpeg images within the original folder(section
> #) to save the image as sXX_sec##_01[last digits would be sequential] within
> the newly made folder called sXX_sec##.
> For example,
> if i have folder test/Slide 34/section 2, I want to rename jpge images
> within the section 2 folder as s34_sec2_01, s34_sec2_02 so on , within the
> newly made folder, s34_sec2.
> I don't seem to find a easy way to rename a folder name since I am really a
> beginner of macro, so now I am trying to extract the name from the original
> folder name and find a way to use this to make a name of new folder. The
> problem now is that if i use "input" as a name of directory, the primary
> folder ("folder_test") is returned at the end in the log. I am not sure
> substring to change the name of folder would work.
> input = getDirectory("Input directory");
> suffix = ".JPG";  //you can only apply function below for JPEG images
> processFolder(input);
> function processFolder(input) {
>     list = getFileList(input);
>     for (k = 0; k < list.length; k++) {
>         if(File.isDirectory(input + list[k]))   //if it's a directory, go to
> subfolder
>             processFolder("" + input + list[k]);
>         if(endsWith(list[k], suffix))   //if it's a tiff image, process it
>             print (input + list[k] + "is a path");       //if it's neither a
> tiff nor a directory, do nothing
>             file1 = list[k];
>             print (input + "is a directory");
>         print (list[k] + "is a file name"); ///listing all folder name with
>         ///here rename image name function need/
>     }
> }
> Simply is there any easy way to rename a folder based on extracting some
> part of the current name of folder (e.g. some text and numbers)?
> Thank you in advance!
> RT
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Re: rename folder name


Thank you for prompt response! I have been tried to understand the code that you kindly made.
However, although I chose the subsubfolder as section##, for example section 2, the code returned the new file name "s34_sec" and no number after the "sec". so i tried and error to change the "subsubNum" in the code. I used lengthOf (subsubDir)-2 instead of lengthOf (subsubDir)-1.
Although this works (see below), I am not quite sure what lengthOf (subsubDir)-2 is getting. Does this mean returning the last two index of name of subsubDir folder? Then should not it return the "(space)2" instead of 2?
I also modified the last part of code, adding the cropping and renaming the jpeg file.

Here is the revised code :

subsubDirPath = getDirectory( "Select subsub-directory" );
a = split( subsubDirPath, "/" );
subsubDir = a[a.length-1];
subDirPath = File.getParent( subsubDirPath );
a = split( subDirPath, "/" );
subDir = a[a.length-1];
print (subDir + "is a subDir" );
print (subsubDir + "is a subsubDir");

subsubNum = substring( subsubDir,lengthOf(subsubDir)-2);//this changed to 2 instead of "1"
subNum = substring( subDir, lengthOf(subDir)-2);

folderName = "s"+ subNum + "_sec" + subsubNum;
File.makeDirectory( subsubDirPath + folderName );
print(folderName + "is a folderName");

output = getDirectory ("select save folder");
print (output);
n = 1;
list = getFileList(subsubDir);
for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
    if (endsWith(toLowerCase(list[i]),".jpg")){
    open(subsubDir + list[i]);
     print (list[i]);
     makeRectangle(780, 0, 3690, 3456);
    fileName = substring (folderName, 0, lengthOf(folderName)-1);  ///fileName (removing "/"as a filename from foldername)
    print (fileName, "is a file name");
            saveAs("jpg", output+fileName+"_"+n+".jpg"); //manual selection of saving folder and somehow the image is 90 degree turned
        n++; }

Thank you in advance,

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Re: rename folder name

Dear rui,

my code works perfectly here.

It creates a folder named "s34_sec2" in subsub-folder "section_2" and a
file name "s34_sec2_01.jpg" and this is what you were aiming at -- no?

Perhaps you are on a windows machine and need to alter the separator. On
a Mac it is "/".

lengthOf( str ) gives you the number of chars in a string.
It is described here:

There was one minor glitch in my code. It should read:

i = 1; // loop index
fileName = folderName + "_" + IJ.pad( i, 2 ) + ".jpg";



Am 11.10.16 um 17:56 schrieb rtas:

> Hi,
> Thank you for prompt response! I have been tried to understand the code that
> you kindly made.
> However, although I chose the subsubfolder as section##, for example section
> 2, the code returned the new file name "s34_sec" and no number after the
> "sec". so i tried and error to change the "subsubNum" in the code. I used
> lengthOf (subsubDir)-2 instead of lengthOf (subsubDir)-1.
> Although this works (see below), I am not quite sure what lengthOf
> (subsubDir)-2 is getting. Does this mean returning the last two index of
> name of subsubDir folder? Then should not it return the "(space)2" instead
> of 2?
> I also modified the last part of code, adding the cropping and renaming the
> jpeg file.
> Here is the revised code :
> subsubDirPath = getDirectory( "Select subsub-directory" );
> a = split( subsubDirPath, "/" );
> subsubDir = a[a.length-1];
> subDirPath = File.getParent( subsubDirPath );
> a = split( subDirPath, "/" );
> subDir = a[a.length-1];
> print (subDir + "is a subDir" );
> print (subsubDir + "is a subsubDir");
> subsubNum = substring( subsubDir,lengthOf(subsubDir)-2);//this changed to 2
> instead of "1"
> subNum = substring( subDir, lengthOf(subDir)-2);
> folderName = "s"+ subNum + "_sec" + subsubNum;
> File.makeDirectory( subsubDirPath + folderName );
> print(folderName + "is a folderName");
> output = getDirectory ("select save folder");
> print (output);
> n = 1;
> list = getFileList(subsubDir);
> for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
>     if (endsWith(toLowerCase(list[i]),".jpg")){
>     open(subsubDir + list[i]);
>      print (list[i]);
>      makeRectangle(780, 0, 3690, 3456);
>      run("Crop");
>     fileName = substring (folderName, 0, lengthOf(folderName)-1);
> ///fileName (removing "/"as a filename from foldername)
>     print (fileName, "is a file name");
>             saveAs("jpg", output+fileName+"_"+n+".jpg"); //manual selection
> of saving folder and somehow the image is 90 degree turned
>         close();
>         n++; }
>     }
> Thank you in advance,
> rui

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