reslice command question

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reslice command question

Mike A

Im running ImageJ 1.44k4 and have a question about the reslice command.

I have a timelapse movie acquired on a deltavision microscope (.DV format) that I open with LOCI Bio-formats importer.  My movie is 1 channel, 18 z-sections (z-spacing 0.2 microns) and 36 timepoints.  I have made a maximal intensity projection of the Z-sections.  I am then using the reslice command on a line selection with slice spacing 0.2 microns and slice count = 7 with the rotate 90 degrees checkbox checked.  Then i make a maximal intensity projection of my reslice.  The resulting image is a kymograph with time extended along the x-axis, and the y-axis representing the length of my original line selection (is this correct?).  My problem is the x-axis is 65 pixels long.  Surely my x-axis should be 36 pixels long (ie 1 pixel for each timepoint)?? why is it 65 pixels long?  Im presuming that I am missing something??

Many thanks

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Re: reslice command question

Adrian Daerr-2
> I have a timelapse movie acquired on a deltavision microscope (.DV format) that I open with LOCI Bio-formats importer.  My movie is 1 channel, 18 z-sections (z-spacing 0.2 microns) and 36 timepoints.  I have made a maximal intensity projection of the Z-sections.  I am then using the reslice command on a line selection with slice spacing 0.2 microns and slice count = 7 with the rotate 90 degrees checkbox checked.  Then i make a maximal intensity projection of my reslice.  The resulting image is a kymograph with time extended along the x-axis, and the y-axis representing the length of my original line selection (is this correct?).  My problem is the x-axis is 65 pixels long.  Surely my x-axis should be 36 pixels long (ie 1 pixel for each timepoint)?? why is it 65 pixels long?  Im presuming that I am missing something??

I have never managed to understand (even by studying the source code)
what the logic behind the reslice dilation is. Fortunately, Wayne
accepted to include a checkbox "avoid interpolation" which makes reslice
strictly conserve the pixels. I haven't tested whether it works with 4D
(x,y,z,t) stacks, but I fare well with it.
