I reviewed lots of plugins and read over several tutorials.
Including, 'Image Processing with ImageJ' and the ImageJ twiki.
And I've searched the forum.
I have a plugin that defines an ROI and draws to the image.
It is based on plugins that others have shared.
public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
imp = IJ.getImage();
vwt = new Versatile_Wand_Tool();
vwt.doWand(imp, 172, 172, 0, 0, 0, "");
sr0 = new ShapeRoi(imp.getRoi());
vwt.doWand(imp, 516, 172, 0, 0, 0, "");
sr1 = new ShapeRoi(imp.getRoi());
sr = sr0.or(sr1);
s = sr.getShape();
The img has the ROI set.
But, I do not understand how to limit the drawing to the ROI.
I'd like a hint or, better, an example.
I see that Toggle_Paintbrush_.java shows how to handle mouse events in a plugin.
I do not see how to get a Shape to the Graphics2.setClip() method
to restrict drawing. I understand, I think, that I'll need the
complimentary Shape to draw inside and not outside of the ROI.
Joe Edwards
UWMC, ITS, Senior Computer Specialist
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