saveAs ("Measurements",path) do nothing in my macro

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saveAs ("Measurements",path) do nothing in my macro

Eddie Iannuccelli
I am writing a macro that run 3DimageCounter on a stack directory
structure  and save the resultTable on disk. The
saveAs("Measurements",path)  function do strictly nothing (no error) on
3DimageCounter resultTable output. If I replace "Measurements" by
"Text", data are saved only for the first run and I got an error for
further runs ("You need a log or text windows ..." something like that).
I noticed that in my case the nResults return -1 , so I read a bit
3DObject Counter source code and found that resultTable was instantiates
using a  new ResultsTable(). So I replaced that by  a call to
ResultsTable.getResultsTable(); . That fixed the nResult() problem but
saveAs function still do nothing.
