Humm I like to talk to myself ;-)
in ij.plugin.specifyROI drawRoi function :
if (centered) {
iX = (int)(xRoi - (width/2));
iY = (int)(yRoi - (height/2));
I would replace them by iX=(int)(xRoi -(width-1)/2), same for iY
it will center correctly the Rois for odd widths, for even widths there
will always be a problem.
Thomas Boudier a écrit :
> Hi,
> When I want to specify a selection (edit/selection/specify) on a very
> small image (10x10) it seems that there is one pixel shift in x and y
> when I click on "center". I use latest ImageJ 1.43m.
> Thomas
Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
IFR 83. Bat B 7ème étage, porte 706D, Jussieu.
Tel : 01 44 27 20 13 Fax : 01 44 27 22 91