Dear all,
I just want to check to see if you have any experience with
setBatchMode(arg). I found that by setting arg to true or false, it can
actually affect my results. A big surprise for me, as I only suspected
this parameter only affects the speed.
See the following 4 lines. Lines 1 and 2 using arg=false, and Line 3 and
4 using arg=true. It seems to me that when arg is set to false, the
measured data is your selection AND thresholded, and the results are
same as what you did step by step. However, if you set arg to true, the
results are different. Is it true? Any comments?
Area Mean Stdev Mode Min Max IntDen
Median Slice
1 Stack046.tif:AF20080527ZPSeqSlide3P046_Cy3 103745 726.709
208.640 481 456 2954 75392432 685 2
2 Stack046.tif:AF20080527ZPSeqSlide3P046_Cy5 87044
1670.913 518.539 1072 1023 3779 145442979 1553 3
3 Stack046.tif:AF20080527ZPSeqSlide3P046_Cy3 162105 590.816
248.663 266 266 2954 95774199 548 2
4 Stack046.tif:AF20080527ZPSeqSlide3P046_Cy5 1064306 499.616
393.120 343 311 3779 531744665 376 3
> g Global Research Center
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Zhengyu Pang, Ph.D.
Bioanalytics and Protein Science Laboratory
Biosciences Global Technology Organization
> One Research Circle, K1 5B37A
> Niskayuna, NY12309
> *
[hidden email]
> *(518) 387-4015