I've tried variations of using setKeyDown with roiManager with no luck. When I used setKeyDown("shift") in my macro, the individual ROI's were selected on my image, but the ROI's in the roiManager were not highlighted blue.
The problem is that I need to save only certain ROI's into a zip file, not all of them at once. More precisely, I have a ROI set filled with nuclei. I need to iterate through the nuclei to perform image analysis on each individual nuclei in order to measure YFP stains. If there are more than one YFP stains that show up in a single nuclei, I would like to save the YFP ROI's in the same zip file in order to keep track of the fact that they came from the same nuclei.
I know that in the newer versions of imageJ the multiple selection save is not availabe. Instead, I am attempting to delete all of the ROI's that are not the freshly measured YFP ROI's and then use the roiManager("save", path) function.
Here's sample code of what I tried:
for (k=0;k<5;k++){
roiManager("Select", k);
P.S. Why was capability taken away from ImageJ? It seems like being able to save only certain ROI's instead of all of them would come in handy quite frequently?
Thanks for your help!