simple neurite tracer plugin

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simple neurite tracer plugin

rona baron

Some questions regarding the simple neurite tracer plugin -
Is it possible to calculate the volume of neurites that were traced using
this plugin??

and my second question  is -

I trace two cells from a z-stack image using the plugin , use the 'fill
volume'  and save this image in a Tif file ( I use it to 'extract' the cells
from the image).
now, I would like to color each cell in a different color (to better
represent their contact points)  how can I do it?? which plugin can I use?

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Re: simple neurite tracer plugin

Michael Doube
> Some questions regarding the simple neurite tracer plugin -
> Is it possible to calculate the volume of neurites that were traced using
> this plugin??
> and my second question  is -
> I trace two cells from a z-stack image using the plugin , use the 'fill
> volume'  and save this image in a Tif file ( I use it to 'extract' the cells
> from the image).
> now, I would like to color each cell in a different color (to better
> represent their contact points)  how can I do it?? which plugin can I use?

Hi Rona,

If your output stack is binary (background = 0; foreground = 255) you
can use the particle counter in BoneJ to locate, label and measure the
volume of your neurites if they're not touching each other.  However, if
they are touching, the particle counter will see them as a single particle.

Check out the other options, here:
