hello everyone,
I have been using the plot lanes tool for a long time without any problems.
Lately, strange behavior is happening. I open an image (either 8, 16 or
32 bit). I use the rectangle tool to define my lanes and use ctrl-1 for
the first, ctrl-2 for all others, and ctrl-3 to plot.
Now - I am getting a blank plot - nothing at all. However, every now
and then - on the exact same image - I will get a plot. Even if I chose
the exact same region - most of the time, nothing, some of the time, I
get a plot.
Any ideas?
ImageJ 1.39q and Java 1.6 on Suse 10.1 64 bit
John K. Alexander, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
William Green Laboratory
University of Chicago
Dept. Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and Physiology
947 East 58th Street
Abott Hall 402
Chicago, IL 60637
(off) 773-702-9386
(fax) 773-702-3774
[hidden email]