surface roughness calculation

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surface roughness calculation

BOMBARD Isabelle
  Dear all,
  I am a new user of ImageJ, and I have a question about the calculation of surface roughness.
  I have images of the surface of a coating obtained with a LEICA confocal microscope ( about 60 images for a surface, images taken every 0.5µm depth).
  I would like to calculate the surface roughness of the coating from these measurements.
  I have found the plugin, but to make it work correctly, I understand the pixel values should represent the distance or depth into the coating. How do I do that?
  Should I make a stack and the reconstruct the volume? then, making the stack, how do we space the slices of the stack every 0.5µm for example?
  I hope my question is clear enough,
  thank you in advance,
  LAGEP, Villeurbanne, France.

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pair correlation function

Nick Yin
  Dear all,
 Could you please tell me if it's possible to do pair correlation function analysis/plot using ImageJ? I have a hexagonal patterned dots array and would like to do such kind of analysis.
 Thank you very much ahead.
 Brown University
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Re: pair correlation function

Gabriel Landini
On Tuesday 16 January 2007 19:32, Nick Yin wrote:
>  Could you please tell me if it's possible to do pair correlation function
> analysis/plot using ImageJ? I have a hexagonal patterned dots array and
> would like to do such kind of analysis. Thank you very much ahead.

There isn't a plugin for this yet, but I guess that it would be not too
difficult to do.
If you write one, could you please let us know?
I am interested on this because the 2 point corr. function can be used (among
other things) to estimate the fractal dimension of sets. There is always good
to have an extra method available.

