Posted by
dpoburko on
Sep 21, 2009; 6:05pm
I have modified the current verison of the JACOP plugin so that it sends
a correlatoin coefficient to the results table when it runs a Pearson
Correlation. Then I run a simple macro that runs a Pearson Correlation
after translating one image with respect to another over an abritrary
size grid. The location of best fit is recorded, and essentially you get
a the x,y translation of the original image with respect to a reference
image. It's a rather slow, ugly hack, but it gets the job done. I'm
happy to share it if it can be of help.
However, this was just a poor man's work around. I agree with some other
comments that it's surprising that other plugins like TurboReg don't
make this kind of info easier to get at. That would be super useful.
Alan Hewat wrote:
> I am interested in the possibility of the automatic measurement of the
> co-ordinates of isolated spots in an image, and eventually of spots
> that lie at the intersection of arcs of spots, such as shown by the
> numbered spots on>
> This is a back-scattered Laue X-ray diffraction pattern, and is used
> to determine the orientation of the crystal by solving for the (h,k,l)
> indices of the diffraction spots; the spots at arc intersections
> normally have low indices.
> ______________________________________________
> Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
> <
[hidden email]> +33.476.98.41.68
>> ______________________________________________
Damon Poburko, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Stanford University School of Medicine
Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Physiology
279 Campus Dr., Beckman B103, Stanford, CA 94305
Ph: 650 725 7564, fax: 650 725 8021