I just ran into a problem with the plugin. Error message that "can't find
Tiff_Dumper", even though it is listed as a plugin. Loci_tools.jar is also
loci/common/RandomAccessinputStream). I'm using the latest build of IJ.
> A plugin version of Curtis' TiffDumper utility is available at
> It uses the Bio-Formats plugin to parse and output all TIFF tags for the
> current image.
> -wayne
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:56 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:
> Hi Bill,
>> Questions about reading TIFF IFDs have come up a few times on the ImageJ
>> list lately. Since Bio-Formats has full TIFF parsing capabilities, I thought
>> I'd write a little utility for reading all the IFDs in a TIFF file. You can
>> find it here:
>> It requires loci_tools.jar to compile and run, but has no dependence on
>> ImageJ. However, you could leverage the code within any ImageJ-based project
>> you're doing to work with TIFF files more easily.
>> -Curtis
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Bill Christens-Barry <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'd like to be able to view tiff tags that currently don't appear via the
>> Image>Show Info... menu or
>> getMetadata() macro command. For example, I have TIFF files in which
>> custom info is crammed into
>> the HostComputer tag (316).
>> Other than the TiffDecoder, TiffEncoder, and FileInfo classes, where else
>> will I need to make changes
>> to implement this - Properties? Is there any tutorial material on this? My
>> naive searches turned up
>> empty for me.
>> Thanks.
>> Bill
Joel B. Sheffield, Ph.D