Posted by
Aryeh Weiss on
Sep 11, 2009; 8:00am
It is working properly on my system -- latest IJ daily build, MAC OSX,
loci_tools.jar in plugin directory, TiffDumper installed in
plugins/input-output. It is running from the downloaded class file.
Aside -- this list is amazing. Within a few days of posting my problem,
I have in hand the following solutions:
1. Wayne modified getMetadata to read the required tags.
2. Joachim Wesner sent me a plugin that read the raw tiff codes from any
tiff file. Both useful and educational (one sees the raw numbers and
understands better how the tiff tags are built).
3. Curtis sent a stand alone application to read the tags
and before I could start playing with how to use it in ImageJ
4. Wayne sent a plugin version for ImageJ
Thanks to all of you for your kind help.
Aryeh Weiss
School of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel
Ph: 972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384050
> Hi Wayne,
> I just ran into a problem with the plugin. Error message that "can't find
> Tiff_Dumper", even though it is listed as a plugin. Loci_tools.jar is also
> present.The full error is (java.lang.NoClassDefFound Error:
> loci/common/RandomAccessinputStream). I'm using the latest build of IJ.
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> A plugin version of Curtis' TiffDumper utility is available at
>> It uses the Bio-Formats plugin to parse and output all TIFF tags for the
>> current image.
>> -wayne
>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 2:56 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>>> Questions about reading TIFF IFDs have come up a few times on the ImageJ
>>> list lately. Since Bio-Formats has full TIFF parsing capabilities, I thought
>>> I'd write a little utility for reading all the IFDs in a TIFF file. You can
>>> find it here:
>>> It requires loci_tools.jar to compile and run, but has no dependence on
>>> ImageJ. However, you could leverage the code within any ImageJ-based project
>>> you're doing to work with TIFF files more easily.
>>> -Curtis
>>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Bill Christens-Barry <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I'd like to be able to view tiff tags that currently don't appear via the
>>> Image>Show Info... menu or
>>> getMetadata() macro command. For example, I have TIFF files in which
>>> custom info is crammed into
>>> the HostComputer tag (316).
>>> Other than the TiffDecoder, TiffEncoder, and FileInfo classes, where else
>>> will I need to make changes
>>> to implement this - Properties? Is there any tutorial material on this? My
>>> naive searches turned up
>>> empty for me.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Bill