thresholding after connected threshold grower

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thresholding after connected threshold grower

Salam Al-Attar
Hi there,

I've been using image J for the last 3 months and have been recently discovering
a weird glitch after using the connected threshold grower feature. Sometimes
when I want to threshold the entire image in my mri files, I select a seed
point from the background, then connect threshold grow it. Of course this
selects everything surrounding my image of interest and then I would invert the
background so that I would select my image within as the threshold area.

Now here's where the glitch comes up. When I go to threshold it the image,
sometimes the image turns red (which I it should since it is the new threshold
area in white). And sometimes, the background turns red and the image stays
white, even though it was selected as the threshold after the inversion.

If anyone knows any way to solve/go around this glitch, your help would be much

Hope to hear from someone soon.