training algorithm for single ROIs on each image. automated segmentation.

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training algorithm for single ROIs on each image. automated segmentation.

Stephan Collins
Dear all,

I am looking for a plug in that would automatically segment images based on
learning algorithm.
I have tested plug ins like weka that works really well for detecting the
same object/group of pixels several times on a picture or stack. Here what
I have is specific regions for each image, and each region is unique.

Sample image is attached[image: clipboard picture.jpg]

This image is taken from mouse brain tissue and we have 1 000 s of them
which have been manually annotated using ROIs

Analysis goals
Is there any chance of tranning imageJ to get something close, using the
thousands of images and ROIs we have ?

Ideally, I would like to use ImageJ since all our ROIs are saved in that

Best wishes

Dr Stephan Collins
MCF - lecturer

Groupe NeuroGeMM
Equipe Inserm 1231 GAD
Bâtiment B3
Université de Bourgogne
15 boulevard Maréchal De Lattre de Tassigny
21070 Dijon Cedex
Tél: 03 80 39 66 60

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