trouble defining an ROI in python

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trouble defining an ROI in python

Aryeh Weiss
I am trying to define an ROI within which teh particle analyzer will

so I tried the following

imp.setRoi(   #rm is an existing RoiManager, "Analyze Particles...", "size=1-Infinity summarize

but this measured on the entire image.

I also tried

     options = PA.SHOW_SUMMARY
     parameters = PA.AREA
     rt = ResultsTable()

     myPA = PA(options, parameters, rt, 1,100000 )

     ip - imp.getProcessor()

     roi =
     myPA.analyze(imp, ip)

In both cases, the measurement is done over the entire image, and not
within the ROI.

What am I doing wrong?


Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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Re: trouble defining an ROI in python -solved

Aryeh Weiss
My mistake was using roi =, which returns None.
I needed roi = rm.getRoi(i), which returns an Roi.

On 13/02/2018 21:22, Aryeh Weiss wrote:
> I am trying to define an ROI within which teh particle analyzer will
> operate.
> so I tried the following
> imp.setRoi(   #rm is an existing RoiManager
should be imp.setRoi(rm.getRoi(i))

>, "Analyze Particles...", "size=1-Infinity summarize
> in_situ")
> but this measured on the entire image.
> I also tried
>     options = PA.SHOW_SUMMARY
>     parameters = PA.AREA
>     rt = ResultsTable()
>     myPA = PA(options, parameters, rt, 1,100000 )
>     ip - imp.getProcessor()
>     roi =
should be rm.getRoi()

>     imp.setRoi(roi)
>     ip.setRoi(roi)
>     imp.updateAndDraw()
>     myPA.analyze(imp, ip)
> In both cases, the measurement is done over the entire image, and not
> within the ROI.
> What am I doing wrong?
> --aryeh

Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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