Hi Mick,
what about selecting the pixel (point selection or 1x1-pixel rectangle)
and then Image>Stacks>Plot z profile?
You can then get the list of save it with the buttons at the bottom of
the plot.
Keyboard shortcuts: See
https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-Part-VI.html#toc-Part-VIOn English keyboards the > and > keys navigate between slices, on other
keyboards the keys at the position of the English < and > also work
(e.g. ',' and '.' on German keyboards).
The Pixel Inspector currently does not support single pixels, but you
may change it. The source code is available as an external plugin at
https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/plugins/pixel-tool/or (older version)
http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:utilities:pixel_inspector:startYou can adjust the java code. It might be enough to change the line
if (radius<1) radius=1;
if (radius<0) radius=0;
in the showDialog() method near the bottom (I have not tried).
On 21/02/2018 15:00, mick crane wrote:
> hello,
> please excuse sketchy programming understanding.
> I want to rapidly go through a series of images, selecting pixel
location to save to a text file for the purpose of combining images at
those locations.
> imageJ looks really suitable and quick.
> have on win 10 but will use on debian.
> Is there a way to ask Pixel inspector to only copy the cursor pixel
location to clipboard ?
> Can I cycle through the windows with keyboard rather than getting
focus with mouse to change quickly from zoom/select ( - + )to copy to
clipboard (c) ?
> Can I move to next image with keyboard ?
> cheers
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