window manager specifics

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window manager specifics

Nikos Katsikanis
Say I have 4 image plus objects open. how would I close 3 of them, without
closing the one I want?

To try and do this, I find that if I do the following they all close and
when the want I want to open again pops up, all the pixels are white

   ImagePlus keep = WindowManager.getImage(firstImageID);
   ImageProcessor i = keep.getProcessor();
    new ImagePlus("",i).show();
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plugin/macro for x-y-shift correction?

Michael Weber-4

I have several multi-colour confocal images with a slight x-y-shift
between the channels. As a first step before re-align the system, is there
a plugin or a macro that allows me to correct this shift? It would mean to
shift a layer for a defined number of pixels.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: plugin/macro for x-y-shift correction?

Wayne Rasband
> I have several multi-colour confocal images with a slight x-y-shift
> between the channels. As a first step before re-align the system,
> is there a plugin or a macro that allows me to correct this shift?
> It would mean to shift a layer for a defined number of pixels.

Here is a macro that shifts the red, green or blue channel in an RGB
image by a specified number of pixels.


   if (bitDepth!=24 || nSlices!=1)
       exit("RGB Image required");
   Dialog.create("RGB Shift");
   Dialog.addChoice("Channel:", newArray("Red", "Green", "Blue"));
   Dialog.addNumber("X Shift:", 10);
   Dialog.addNumber("Y Shift:", 10);
   Dialog.addCheckbox("Create New Image", true);;
   xshift = Dialog.getNumber();
   yshift = Dialog.getNumber();
   channel = Dialog.getChoice();
   create = Dialog.getCheckbox();
   if (create) {
   run("RGB Stack");
   if (channel=="Green")
   else if (channel=="Blue")
   run("Select All");
   setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
   makeRectangle(xshift, yshift, getWidth, getHeight);
   run("RGB Color");
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Re: plugin/macro for x-y-shift correction?

Gabriel Landini
In reply to this post by Michael Weber-4
> I have several multi-colour confocal images with a slight x-y-shift
> between the channels. As a first step before re-align the system,
> is there a plugin or a macro that allows me to correct this shift?
> It would mean to shift a layer for a defined number of pixels.

I misread the message and missed the "channels" bit. I thought it was asking
for a registration/stitching plugins (which there are a few in the IJ site).

The plugin Align_RGB_planes may also help:


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Re: plugin/macro for x-y-shift correction?

Michael Weber-4
The align_rgb plugin works fine as is exactly what I was looking for.


>> I have several multi-colour confocal images with a slight x-y-shift
>> between the channels. As a first step before re-align the system,
>> is there a plugin or a macro that allows me to correct this shift?
>> It would mean to shift a layer for a defined number of pixels.
> I misread the message and missed the "channels" bit. I thought it was
> asking
> for a registration/stitching plugins (which there are a few in the IJ
> site).
> The plugin Align_RGB_planes may also help:
> Cheers.
> G.


Michael Weber (B.Sc.)
MPI-CBG Dresden, Light Microscopy Facility
phone: +49 351 2102837