working with TextPanel

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working with TextPanel


I have two questions...

I can't wrap my head around the different behaviors I see between
TextWindow and TextPanel.  I can realize a TextWindow with rows of
tab-delimited columns, but I can't do the same thing with TextPanel. I
have pasted simple examples of each in the space below.

Of course, I may be barking up the wrong tree to start with. The
functionality I really want is to allow the user to select a row
(associated with an image) and then have the image loaded and displayed.
I have been thinking that I really need to have a plugin class that
inherits from TextPanel so that I can override the "actionPerformed"
method, etc. to handle user events. I haven't found any examples that
inherit from TextPanel or TextWindow - just plugins that create them
(like those shown below).

So that leads me to wonder if plugins that implement the PlugIn
interface don't also inherit from objects (other than Object).  Instead
I wonder if I am supposed to implement other interfaces such as

Well, you can see that I'm lost!  (And that I can't wait for the English
version of Digital Image Processing in Java by Wilhelm Burger, Mark
Burge  to be published!)

Thanks for any help,

        PanelTest2_ uses TextPanel

import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.plugin.PlugIn;
import ij.text.*;

public class PanelTest2_ implements PlugIn {
        //run for ImageJ
        public void run(String arg)
                TextPanel tp = new TextPanel("Panel Test");

         }//end of run

        PanelTest3_  uses TextWindow

import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.plugin.PlugIn;
import ij.text.*;

public class PanelTest3_ implements PlugIn {
        //run for ImageJ
        public void run(String arg)
                String title = "Panel Test";
                String headerNames = "ID\tName\tValue";
                String data = "0\tRed\t0.1" + "\n" +
                        "1\tGreen\t2.04"+ "\n" +
                        "3\tYellow\t1.1"+ "\n";
                TextWindow tw = new TextWindow(title, headerNames, data, 200, 200);
         }//end of run
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Re: working with TextPanel

Wayne Rasband
> I have two questions...
> First:
> I can't wrap my head around the different behaviors I see between
> TextWindow and TextPanel.  I can realize a TextWindow with rows of
> tab-delimited columns, but I can't do the same thing with TextPanel. I
> have pasted simple examples of each in the space below.
> Of course, I may be barking up the wrong tree to start with. The
> functionality I really want is to allow the user to select a row
> (associated with an image) and then have the image loaded and
> displayed.

This is built into ImageJ 1.37i and later. Double click on a file path
in a TextWindow (e.g., the "Log" window) and that file is opened. This
is very handy with macros that generate file lists, such as the
ListFilesRecursively macro at

I also plan to add a File>Open Selected Files menu command that will
allow users to open multiple files.

>  I have been thinking that I really need to have a plugin class that
> inherits from TextPanel so that I can override the "actionPerformed"
> method, etc. to handle user events. I haven't found any examples that
> inherit from TextPanel or TextWindow - just plugins that create them
> (like those shown below).
> Second:
> So that leads me to wonder if plugins that implement the PlugIn
> interface don't also inherit from objects (other than Object).  
> Instead I wonder if I am supposed to implement other interfaces such
> as MouseListener.

Plugins can implement more than one interface. For examples, look at
the Mouse_Listener, Key_Listener and Image_Listener example plugins.
