> A user has a ill-formated ROI set that he saved, and is now unable to
> load
> again (the ROIs stop being loaded somewhere in the middle of the ROI
> set). I
> have no idea what could have gone wrong when he created the ROI set.
> I'd
> like to extranct the .zip RoiSet with something else than the ROI
> Manager
> and look into the ROI files, but the default extractor built in OSX
> does not
> recognize the .zip archive as an extractable archive.
> What is the .zip formazt used for saving multiple ROIs ? Can you open
> it
> with a regular zip extractor software ? What is the format of the ROIs
> saved
> inside the ROISet.zip ?
The ROI sets are in the standard ZIP format. You can open them using
any ZIP extractor or by double clicking on the file icon. You can open
an ROI set in the ROI Manager by dragging and dropping it on the the
"ImageJ" window. The .roi files in an ROI set are in the same format as
files created by the File>Save As>Selection command. This format is
described in the RoiDecoder.jave source file: