zooming movie

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zooming movie



I would like to make a movie,

 starting from an image and making

 a zoom to a part of this image.


With other words, i start from a 1000*1000 image;

I want to zoom till a 100*100 part of the original

I want to make a continuous movie from the large to
the small image


Thanks a lot





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Re: zooming movie

Tony Collins-2
Hi Guilhem,

Do you want something like this:

This was done with the 'zoomify' plugin included in the ImageJ bundle from:

I'd be more than happy to email you the plugin alone. It seems to work
OK but has not been rigorously tested.

(...actually it should be called "Zoom to ROI" now I think about it.
'Zoomify' format is something different...)

To use the plugin you select an ROI which will be your final frame and
the plugin creates a movie zooming in to this in a user defined number
of frames.

If you need a specific ROI size (and therefore framesize - in your
example 100x100) then you could use the 'Edit/Selection/Specify' menu



PS. The 'zoomed' stack was saved as an animated GIF with Ryan Raz's 'Gif
Stack Writer' plugin for ImageJ.

Guilhem DEZANNEAU wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to make a movie,
>  starting from an image and making
>  a zoom to a part of this image.
> With other words, i start from a 1000*1000 image;
> I want to zoom till a 100*100 part of the original
> image.
> I want to make a continuous movie from the large to
> the small image
> Thanks a lot
> Guilhem
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger
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Tony Collins, Ph.D.
Facility Manager
Wright Cell Imaging Facility
Toronto Western Research Institute
13-407 McLaughlin Pavilion
399 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON. M5T 2S8
tel. (416) 603 5367 fax: (416) 603 5745

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