16-bit RGB

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16-bit RGB

Tony Shepherd
It looks like IJ images can be 8-bit RGB but not 16-bit RGB. Is it possible
to somehow assign 16-bit data to each of the RGB channels (in a plugin) or
does a later version of ImageJ support 16-bit RGB ?
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Re: 16-bit RGB


On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Tony wrote:

> It looks like IJ images can be 8-bit RGB but not 16-bit RGB. Is it
> possible to somehow assign 16-bit data to each of the RGB channels (in a
> plugin) or does a later version of ImageJ support 16-bit RGB ?

As far as I can tell, AWT Images cannot handle more than 8 bit per colour
channel. That might be the reason that there is no support for these.

Having said that, there _is_ support for 32-bit gray images, even if
they are still displayed using only 8-bit (you can map the 32-bit into an
8-bit interval).

Something like that could be done for colour images, but it has not been
done yet.
