3D Viewer: color surfaces

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3D Viewer: color surfaces

Hi all!

I have a stack where I have segmented 2 zones in different colours using
Segmentation Editor. When I use 3D Viewer to view the result, if I plot the
structures as a Volume, the color is the same that I chose in the
Segmentation Editor, and it looks quite well. But when I plot as a Surface,
the two structures adopt the same color! If I use "Color Surface from
Image" option, they adopt the chosen color, but quite dark... (I attach 2
snapshots, the first plotted as Volume and the other plotted as Surface)

I would like to plot the 2 structures as a Surface with the original color,
or at least, not so dark. Any ideas?

Thank you very much guys!

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tomo4_contactoancho_segment2.tif (1M) Download Attachment
tomo4_contactoancho_segment4.tif (1M) Download Attachment
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Re: 3D Viewer: color surfaces

Did you try adjusting threshold levels?

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Re: 3D Viewer: color surfaces

In reply to this post by cromatina
Hi Andrea,

Did you add the segmented structures in one step?
This makes the 3D viewer treat the structures as one structure only.
If you kepp them in 2 separate stacks and add one after the other they will
be treated as 2 independent structures.
This will allow you to choose individual colors for each.
But careful. Those structures are now also movable separately. So if you
make a transformation like a rotation of one the other is not moving
accordingly. The best is therefore to lock the structures directly after
adding them to the 3D viewer and before you move any of them. This can be
done under >Edit>Transformation>Lock.

Hope this helps.
kind regards,

2015-08-12 9:41 GMT+02:00 Andrea Chicano <[hidden email]>:

> Hi all!
> I have a stack where I have segmented 2 zones in different colours using
> Segmentation Editor. When I use 3D Viewer to view the result, if I plot the
> structures as a Volume, the color is the same that I chose in the
> Segmentation Editor, and it looks quite well. But when I plot as a Surface,
> the two structures adopt the same color! If I use "Color Surface from
> Image" option, they adopt the chosen color, but quite dark... (I attach 2
> snapshots, the first plotted as Volume and the other plotted as Surface)
> I would like to plot the 2 structures as a Surface with the original color,
> or at least, not so dark. Any ideas?
> Thank you very much guys!
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html


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