3D construction

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3D construction

Thaer Al-Omar
  As a new user I need to know the exact steps to reconstruct a 3D image from a stack of 2D images taken by confocal microscopy to the human cornea in vivo. The problem I was told that these images have no reference point of alignment as the case with MRI slices. That is because I am scanning a living eye with continuous involuntary movements. I would appreciate any useful comments.

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Re: 3D construction

Peng Xi
*/_ImageJ_/* is a very powerful image processing software. Here are some
applications to use it _to eliminate the background_, _generate the 3-D
projection_, _rendering the image sequence with color_, and _save the
result into Windows AVI format_.

First, click on "File-open" to open the background image collected when
the shutter of the microscope is closed. (That way the reflection from
the surface of the optical elements are collected). Then, click on
"File-Import-Image Sequence" to upload the image sequence. By choosing
"Process-Image Calculator", and choose the subtract operation as
follows, the background-subtracted image sequence are created.

The 3D projection can be doen with "Image-Stacks-3D Projection".

To enhance the visual effect of the movie, click on "Image-Type-RGB
Color" to convert the 8-bit grayscale image sequences to RGB format.
Then, the color balance adjustment function finishes the rendering of
the image sequence. Choosing "Image-Adjust-Color Balance", and click on
"Auto" or to adjust the Minimum, Maximum, and Brightness values
manually, the images can be enhanced.

Applying the enhancing to all stacks.

Wish this helpful to you. Thank you!

Peng Xi
Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Bindley Bioscience Center
1203 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel: 765-494-0757
Fax: 765-494-0517

Thaer Al-Omar wrote:

> Hi
>   As a new user I need to know the exact steps to reconstruct a 3D image from a stack of 2D images taken by confocal microscopy to the human cornea in vivo. The problem I was told that these images have no reference point of alignment as the case with MRI slices. That is because I am scanning a living eye with continuous involuntary movements. I would appreciate any useful comments.
>   Regards
>   Thaer
> ---------------------------------
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