3D surface plots

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3D surface plots

Miss Judit KIBEDI
Is it possible to import [x,y,z] values and generate a 3D plot much
like the 3D Surface Plotter (Wayne Rasband and Kai Uwe Barthel) plugin
would produce?

Many plugins produce a results table of data which I imagine can be
used to generate 3D plots, so I would like to know how to import a
table of data and if the 3D plotting plugins ((or any others?) can be
used to produce a mesh or contour plot.

Judit Kibedi
PhD Student
[hidden email]
School of Biomedical Sciences
Physiology & Pharmacology
UQ - St Lucia
Brisbane 4072
ph1: +61 7 33469873
ph2: +61 7 33469634
mob: +61 414248807
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Re: 3D surface plots

Gary Chinga

If you have an array (x,y)  of height values (z) it is possible to  
use the ImageJ/File/Import/Text image... to import the array as a 32-
bits image. Use IJ/Analyse/Surface plot... to generate the 3D plot  
(or KaiĀ“s plugin which has many other options).

In other words, any result table can be 3D plotted, however you must  
be careful with interpreting the generated results and to which  
extent the 3D plot will be suitable in a given context.


On Feb 10, 2007, at 5:30 AM, Miss Judit KIBEDI wrote:

> Is it possible to import [x,y,z] values and generate a 3D plot much
> like the 3D Surface Plotter (Wayne Rasband and Kai Uwe Barthel) plugin
> would produce?
> Many plugins produce a results table of data which I imagine can be
> used to generate 3D plots, so I would like to know how to import a
> table of data and if the 3D plotting plugins ((or any others?) can be
> used to produce a mesh or contour plot.
> Judit Kibedi
> PhD Student
> [hidden email]
> School of Biomedical Sciences
> Physiology & Pharmacology
> UQ - St Lucia
> Brisbane 4072
> Australia
> ph1: +61 7 33469873
> ph2: +61 7 33469634
> mob: +61 414248807