Hello everyone,
Today, UW-Madison LOCI (
http://loci.wisc.edu) and Glencoe Software
http://glencoesoftware.com) are pleased to announce the 4.3.0 release of
Bio-Formats (
This release contains the following notable changes:
* Fixed many bugs, including:
- Many fixes for reading and writing sub-images
- Fixes for stage position parsing in the Zeiss formats
- File type detection fixes
* Updated JPEG-2000 reading and writing support to be more flexible
* Added support for 9 new formats:
- InCell 3000
- Trestle
- Hamamatsu .ndpi
- Hamamatsu VMS
- Volocity .mvd2
- Olympus SIS TIFF
- cellSens VSI
* Updated to 2011-06 OME-XML schema
* Minor speed improvements in many formats
* Switched version control system from Subversion to Git
* Moved all Trac tickets into the OME Trac:
http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk* Improved testing frameworks
* Added Maven build system as an alternative to the existing Ant build system
You can download Bio-Formats here:
http://loci.wisc.edu/bio-formats/downloadsPlease note that we are in the process of generating pre-compiled C++ binding
binaries for use with 4.3.0. A separate announcement will be made once these
binaries are available.
We are now working towards the next release (4.3.1), the roadmap for which can
be viewed here:
http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/query?group=status&component=Bio-Formats&milestone=OMERO-Beta4.3.1As always, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has
submitted bugs, patches, documentation, and example files. Without the
generous support of the community, we would not be able to continue developing
and supporting Bio-Formats.
If you have any questions or comments, or if you have found a bug, please
contact us as instructed here:
Kind regards,
Melissa Linkert
Glencoe Software, Inc.