I am trying to make a movie using images exported by a 3D image processing program called Drishti.
For some reason “save movie” in Drishti is greyed out, but I could export an image sequence. These were
exported as png files (no choice there). However, when I import these into ImageJ (FIJI) they come in as
four separate images in a stack. If I bring in only one, I can use Image - Stack - Stack to images to split the
images, then Image - Color - Merge Channels. Then convert RGB to 8bit and choose an LUT, but there is no
way I want to do that for all 120 images in this movie. There has to be an easier way. Anyone know how?
MANY Thanks.
Anovitz, Lawrence {Larry} M.
Senior Research Scientist
Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences
Chemical Sciences Division
MS 6110, PO Box 2008
1 Bethel Valley Rd
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6110
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