Association of .ser file with TIA Reader plugin

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Association of .ser file with TIA Reader plugin

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Hi there,

I have the following problem:

I installed the TIA Reader plugin, which allows to open .ser files (typically used for FEI electron microscopes). I simply copied the TIA_Reader.jar file in to the plugin/Input-Output folder. The reader does work perfectly well. However, I have to open ImageJ and run the reader to open ONE image. Is there a way to open more than one at a time? I tried to associate all the .ser files with the imageJ.exe, which is no problem. But when in try to open the .ser file through the windows explorer, ImageJ starts and the following error message occurs:
"File is not in a supported format, a reader plugin is not available, or it was not found"

Does anyone know what ist wrong or how to solve that problem. Since I have hundreds of images, opening them one after another is a real pain.

Thanks for your help,