4 channel png files

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4 channel png files

I am trying to make a movie using images exported by a 3D image processing program called Drishti.
For some reason “save movie” in Drishti is greyed out, but I could export an image sequence. These were
exported as png files (no choice there). However, when I import these into ImageJ (FIJI) they come in as
four separate images in a stack. If I bring in only one, I can use Image - Stack - Stack to images to split the
images, then Image - Color - Merge Channels.  Then convert RGB to 8bit and choose an LUT, but there is no
way I want to do that for all 120 images in this movie. There has to be an easier way. Anyone know how?
MANY Thanks.
Anovitz, Lawrence {Larry} M.
Senior Research Scientist
Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences
Chemical Sciences Division
MS 6110, PO Box 2008
1 Bethel Valley Rd
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6110
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Re: 4 channel png files

Christian Goosmann-2
Dear Larry
try to open all images in the folder with 'File>import>image sequence...'.
You should get all images in one stack. Then use
'Image>Hyperstacks>Stack to Hyperstack' to get a composite stack. In the
dialog you define that the stack has 120 frames a 4 colors etc. If the
colors don't come out in the right order, choose a color with the top
slider and change the LUT. Control the view of the composite and export
as RGB stack with the channels tool (Ctrl shift z). This works for me
when opening folders with 3 channel tiffs in Fiji.

Christian Goosmann
Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 28460 388

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