6th Annual Short Course on Computer-Assisted Image Analysis

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6th Annual Short Course on Computer-Assisted Image Analysis

Lou Ross
The Electron Microscopy Core at the University of Missouri is hosting the
6th Annual Short Course and Workshop on Computer-Assisted Image Analysis and
Measurement taught by Dr. John C. Russ on June 24-27, 2008. This popular
course is intended to familiarize users of image analysis hardware and
software with the fundamental principles and methods available to obtain
meaningful results.
This year¹s workshop will be expanded from 3 to 4 days. The first morning
will begin with ³An Introduction to Adobe Photoshop for Scientific Imaging²
to serve as a primer for attendees with no experience using Photoshop and as
a refresher for those who have not used it on a regular basis. Also, more
time will be allotted for the lab exercises and for students to develop
imaging strategies while working on their own micrographs.
Image analysis and measurement techniques are utilized in a broad range of
applications usually to extract numerical values (number, size, shape, etc.)
or the location of objects. In other cases, global structural parameters
such as the volume and surface of features are of interest. These
measurements may require image processing to correct defects, enhance
features, compare multiple images, recognize objects, or other steps.
Measurements on individual features, or on the image as a whole, must then
be obtained and interpreted in a proper stereological context to obtain
useful data. Statistical interpretation of the data allows comparisons of
different populations, understanding of distribution plots, and other
inferences about the original objects. Structural modeling and geometric
probability can be used to develop models for this interpretation.
The course relies heavily on tightly coupled lectures and hands-on exercises
covering a wide variety of methodologies, approaches and tools, through a
set of practical, step-by-step instructions to minimize the learning curve.
No specific background is assumed, although users should already be familiar
with microscopy or other imaging technologies. The software platform for the
examples and exercises is Adobe Photoshop utilizing a comprehensive set of
plug-ins from Reindeer Graphics.
Dr. Russ is the internationally acclaimed author of innumerable articles and
several books on image analysis techniques and digital imaging, including
the The Image Processing Handbook. He is widely known for his workshops and
short courses and has helped to develop software packages to make image
analysis methods more accessible to non-specialists. Many of the examples
used in the course involve light or electron microscope images, but students
are invited to bring their own images (TIFF files) for discussion and
analysis. Ample time is provided at the end of the course for individual
The registration fee is $1400. Enrollment is limited and there are still
seats available. More information can be found at:
www.emc.missouri.edu/works.htm or by contacting the course coordinator Lou

Lou Ross
Senior Electron Microscope Specialist
Electron Microscopy Core Facility
W136 Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO  65211-5120
(573) 882-4777, fax 884=2227
email: [hidden email]