My suggestion is to create aliases for the folders that are inside Fiji and
place them next to the Fiji.app in a "Fiji" folder, to get something similar
to ImageJ. You can do that by opening the package and drag/drop the folders
while pressing the cmd + alt keys. Then you can use these aliases in the
open dialogs.
On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 22:01, Colin Rickman <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to access the LUTs folder through Image>Color>Edit Lut>Open but
> cannot gain access to the folder. The LUT folder is visible right clicking
> on the FIJI icon in applications and selecting Show Package Contents but
> this is not possible from within the Open Lut dialog box. The same problem
> exists for the plugins folder. I don't want to move them in case that stops
> the built in updater.
> How do people get around this?
> Thanks
> Colin
> Dr Colin Rickman
> Life Science Interface
> Department of Chemistry (WP 2.03)
> School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
> Heriot-Watt University
> Edinburgh
> EH14 4AS
> Tel: +44 131 4514193 (Office)