On Dec 31, 2013, at 11:59 AM, JonNathan wrote:
> I'd like to have RadioButton selections result in a dialogItemChanged event -- has anyone come up with an easy way to do this?I'm writing a plugin that uses the ExtendedPlugInFilter interface with the live preview checkbox feature. The plugin uses the GenericDialog class, and employs radio buttons for part of its UI. When looking at the source code (version 1.48m) for the GenericDialog class, I noticed that there are no Listeners (Action or otherwise) associated with the addRadioButtonGroup method, even though all the other types of UI components (ComboBox, Slider, TextField, etc.) employ Listeners of various types. It seems RadioButtons get short shrift here...
Radio buttons in GenericDialogs cause dialogItemChanged events in the latest daily build (1.48p1). There is an example at
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