Adapting Lut to custom values

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Adapting Lut to custom values

Pedro J CamelloDr Pedro J Camello
I´m trying to find an easy way to adapt the range of colors of a lut to a
given value. The editor for lut is nt useful because it simply displays
the 255 color levels without any clue to associate each color to a real
value. Has anybody done this before?


Dr Pedro J Camello
Dpt Physiology
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
University of Extremadura
10071 Caceres
Ph: 927257100 Extension 1321
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Re: Adapting Lut to custom values

Volker Baecker
Hash: SHA1

Hello Pedro,
in the lut editor the greyvalue associated with the color is the
position (from left to right and top to bottom). When you move the
mouse pointer over the grid the value is displayed as index in the
ImageJ window.

Pedro J Camello a écrit :
> I´m trying to find an easy way to adapt the range of colors of a lut to a
> given value. The editor for lut is nt useful because it simply displays
> the 255 color levels without any clue to associate each color to a real
> value. Has anybody done this before?
> Thanks
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Adapting Lut to custom values

Pedro J CamelloDr Pedro J Camello
Yes, but the values I see in the ImageJ window are the RGB codes for each
cell of the grid, not the real numerical values of my image pixels (I use
16 and 32 bits images). I would need to translate that value to my image
values (typically from 0.3 to 10-20). My goal is to stretch quickly a lut
to a desired range to identify the hotspots where values changes are
initiated (I use stacks of fura-2 loaded cells, so that upon stimulation I
get value increases). For example, if I have min/max pixel values equal to
0.25/6.89 in my stack I usually need a lut spanning from 0.2 to 2 or 3, so
that the places where the values increase initially are easily visualized.

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Pedro,
> in the lut editor the greyvalue associated with the color is the
> position (from left to right and top to bottom). When you move the
> mouse pointer over the grid the value is displayed as index in the
> ImageJ window.
> Volker
> Pedro J Camello a écrit :
>> I´m trying to find an easy way to adapt the range of colors of a lut to
>> a
>> given value. The editor for lut is nt useful because it simply displays
>> the 255 color levels without any clue to associate each color to a real
>> value. Has anybody done this before?
>> Thanks
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFF97eTxZKX7A/4oMERAmmMAKCIp9LZh3j5/PxcUMDZ9jenz81nQwCglUwQ
> BIE5/i92rl8eSPhknTR/E+I=ahPi
> --
> passerelle antivirus du campus CNRS de Montpellier
> --

Dr Pedro J Camello
Dpt Physiology
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
University of Extremadura
10071 Caceres
Ph: 927257100 Extension 1321